Link 1: Listen, submitted by Maria Beatriz Arvelo

Link 2: Listen, mixed media sketch submitted by Suzanne Hodes​

Artist Reflection: Listen to the life around us, the birds, the wind, the rustle of leaves. In my landscape I want the viewer to listen to the waves sliding against the rocks and the sounds of the water , propelled by the wind.


Link 3: Hunkered Down, poem submitted by Cindy Rivka Marshall

Artist Reflection: I did not know what the original word was, but I knew it was something that was helping someone to cope. The dark lines in the image suggested a cave to me, which is how it feels to be home so much. I also noted how it was surrounded by blues, reds, yellow and green. I have found solace in the spring beauty slowly unfolding and getting outdoors for walks in nature has helped me cope. So the images of a bear and a turtle emerging in springtime came to me.

Link 4: Waiting, colored pencil on paper submitted by Courtney Teixiera

Artist Reflection: The poem that my work is inspired by describes the actions of animals retreating to a safe space. This reminded me of the current "safer at home" advisory in Massachusetts and how our homes are acting as our shields while we watch life continue outside. While the danger isn't visible, we can feel its presence around us.

Link 5: In Place, oil on board submitted by Joshua Meyer

Artist Reflection: This was the first sustained self portrait I painted (over many days and many iterations) after the world shut down. So I supposed it speaks of the new pace of my studio and the funny way time has of pushing us around.

Link 6: Untitled, collage submitted by Mikele Rauch

Artist Reflection:
this is air
IT lives outside of me-
invisible           brown
windy, wet, humid, dry
inside, I am breathing IT in….out
unless I can’t
now I am suspicious of this air,
IT is dangerous…
I am suspicious how much I get to have 
we need machines 
for some to take IT in
and get IT out
we need more air
than we have
…than we have to give

Link 7: Enlightenment, submitted by Susan Epstein​

Artist Reflection: When I received the image of the collage, I was immediately struck by the beautiful light emanating from the center of the image. Inside the light, was a small figure emerging from a dark space through a piece of netting, which I chose to read as a "mask." I felt potential energy in the figure, and conceived it to be moving toward a deeper understanding of our world. I called this "enlightenment." I imagined the dried earth material at the base of the collage as hydrangea blossoms from an earlier season. This seemed to speak to the passage of time and nature's capacity for renewal.

Note: The artists did NOT see the reflections written by the previous artist, only the image of the work and the title. The reflections were revealed only when the chain was complete.

Feeling inspired? Create your own artistic response to this chain and share on instagram #translations2020.